Privacy Policy

Revised: September 25, 2019

Here at Reddit Suggestions, your privacy is extremely important to us. Within this page, we have outlined our Privacy Policy, including what information we collect and how that information is used.

Information Collected

Reddit Suggestions does not intentionally collect any personally-identifiable information.

Any information collected is done in aggregate by standard traffic analytics software, to help us target and enhance user experiences on our site. This may include information such as the country of origin of visitors to our site, time spent on the site, pages visited, browsers used, and similar.

Use of Collected Information

Any information collected as part of our traffic analytics is kept strictly confidential and internal to our staff. It is used exclusively for improving user experience and site performance. The anonymized, aggregated information will never be sold, bartered, or released to third parties.

Use of Cookies

Reddit Suggestions, like most website, may choose to use cookies – bits of code that are stored in your browser cache – to track your navigation and any purchases made through our affiliate links. These cookies are used to store preferences and activity on the site, in order to provide a better user experience and validate affiliate program content. The use of cookies is common on most websites, and does not expose you, your information, or your device in any way. They present no risk of harm to your system or its contents.

Policy Changes

Reddit Suggestions reserves the right to modify, amend, or otherwise change our privacy policy without prior notice. Visitors to the site who are concerned are encouraged to review the privacy policy periodically on this page to stay informed of any policy changes.


This policy in no way limits, infringes upon, or diminishes the rights of a web site, host, owner, operator, or other stakeholders under current laws applicable in the primary jurisdiction of business for Reddit Suggestions.

Acceptance of Terms

By continuing to use Reddit Suggestions and view our content, you signify your acceptance of the above Privacy Policy, as well as the related Terms and Conditions for our site.


If you have questions regarding our Privacy Policy or a privacy-related matter, please do not hesitate to contact us.